Ways To Make Money With WordPress!

Ways To Make Money With WordPress

This is a digital era and we are doing everything online now. Online money making is also one of the most popular practices in today’s time. At some point of time you must have thought about how does WordPress make money. There are multiple different ways of making money. If a question like ‘How to Make Money with WordPress’ is bothering you very much then do not worry. Here we are going to discuss a few proven ways of making money online. 

How to Make Money with WordPress or How to Make Money Online?

When you run a WordPress website there are three major ways of making money:

  • Selling support services for WordPress
  • Building WordPress elements and then selling them
  • Putting advertisements on your website

To use any of these methods there are multiple different ways. Here we are going to discuss a few of them.

Content Creation:

If you have an interest in writing and even a little bit of idea about the trendy topics for articles, then you are sorted! There can be no better way of making money online. And for this, you do not even have to own a website. You can create content for other websites. Hundreds of thousands of new websites are getting created every month and even the existing ones also count. All of them need fresh and unique content. All you have to do is, find a website that posts content about the topics you can write on. 

You only have to visit a few online blogs and in no time you will find a few suitable ones. Every blog has its own process. Pick the one on which you can submit your blog and get paid for it. There are some job board websites as well. You also have an option of finding some content creation work there. And if you have some past experience in content creation then creating an online portfolio is also a very good idea. This way you can easily showcase your previous work. 

Monetizing a Blog:

Another good option for you is creating your own blog and then start monetizing it. Creating a website is not as difficult as it might sound at first. If you are not tech-savvy, there are so many online tutorials that you can refer to. These tutorials will walk you through all the steps of creating a website.

With a blog, you can easily generate passive income. There are many ways of doing so including affiliate marketing, putting advertisements on the website, creating sponsored reviews etc. For all of these, you do not have to put in any extra effort. This will happen because of the content you have already posted on your website and the website traffic you are already receiving. 

Creating Online Courses:

If you are skilled enough then this is also a very good option for you. There are so many people out there who are willing to learn new things. And in today’s time most of the people prefer taking an online course instead of a physical one. If you have in-depth knowledge about something you can make good use of it. This skill can be anything like gardening, cooking, a technical thing. All you have to do is, create courses for that. These courses can be in any form like video, articles etc. If you are using this method, there are two ways of doing it. 

The first option is to use the website as a marketing platform. You can host your course on some other website. There are many eLearning websites. You can use any of them. Your second option is, do everything on WordPress. Create your courses and host them on your WordPress website only. You can offer the users paid membership. To join your course they will have to sign up and pay a specific amount. 

Offering Website Maintenance:

Providing maintenance services is also a very good option for online money-making. There are millions of websites that are present over the internet. Some of the website owners are tech savvy while some others are not. There are also a few owners who do not want to get involved in managing the day-to-day tasks of their website. So here you get the idea. You can create a clientele of such website owners and you can offer them regular maintenance services for their website. 

Maintenance involves a lot of different things like installing all the updates, security monitoring, hosting management, CDN setup, etc. So you will be doing all of these things for their websites. And in return, they will pay you a monthly amount. 

To make things easier for yourself, you can also use a site management plugin. There are a few good options like InfiniteWP, ManageWP etc. With the help of a site management plugin, you will be able to manage core, theme, and plugin updates. You can also monitor the website’s SEO, keep a track of the website’s speed. Managing all the comments and creating backups is also easier as you can do everything using one single dashboard. 

Providing SEO and Marketing Services:

When you run a WordPress website you spend a good amount of time learning the optimization skills. SEO is one of the most important factors in building up a website. And at the same time, a few website owners can find it overwhelming. They just do not want to dip their hands in it. So you can find such website owners and provide them with complete SEO services. Undoubtedly, this will fetch a great amount of money for you. 

Another option is offering Marketing services as they both go hand in hand. You can make money by managing other people’s marketing campaigns. This is a time-consuming process. This is why not many people prefer to do it on their own. 

Wrapping Up!

While running a website, it is very obvious for you to think ‘How to Make Money with WordPress.’ If you have been struggling with the very same thought for quite some time now, then here you got the answer. 

By now you must have understood many important things about this. But still there are chances that you can have some queries in your mind. In such a scenario it is always recommended to take some professional assistance. If you are not sure where to get the help from then do not worry. You can call us on 1-866-332-O276. We work round the clock.


Can we make money with WordPress?


Name a few good site management plugins for WordPress?

InfiniteWP and ManageWP

Can we make money by offering SEO and marketing services?


Is it possible to monetize a blog?

Yes, it is possible.

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