What is AdBlock and How to Identify AdBlock Users in WordPress

What is AdBlock

As a website owner, when you share content for free, the chance of getting profit from your website is possible only with Google AdWords or any other Ad program. While showing ads is a good way to generate revenue, the ad blockers used in a visitor’s browser can defeat your purpose. These blockers hide the ads and make your profits nil and same goes for the WordPress AdBlock.

Are you looking for ways to deal with WordPress Adblockers? As most of the bloggers depend upon the ad revenues to support their website. The arrival of AdBlock software is a big challenge to bloggers.

Lots of question arise related to AdBlock users. This article, we will answer all the question.

What is AdBlock/WordPress AdBlock, & how does it make you hurt

AdBlock software allows users to automatically detect and block bothering advertisement. AdBlock is admired by all users for the ad-free experience but this affects the bloggers who depend upon ad revenues.

As per the research by PageFair- Devices using AdBlock Software increased from 143 million years over years to 380 million. And another research is conducted which said by the year 2020 bloggers will lose $32 billion because of AdBlock.

Following are the Approaches for AdBlock sites

  • Do-nothing Approach: In this approach do nothing just be happy and learn to live with revenue loss for the sake of gaining users.
  • Aggressive Approach: In this, you can block the site for users who use AdBlock. And if they want to use it, they must disable it.
  • Passive Approach: With this approach, you can make sure of quality content and non-obtrusive ads for users. And you can also create a membership plan as Redditt does.

How to Identify AdBlock Users in WordPress

We will discuss some of the methods to detect AdBlock users. So, that you can pick the best:

1. Use OptinMonster:

OptinMonster is the best market-based lead generation software which enables you to change the visitor of the site into the subscriber.




OptinMonster incorporates software like AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, and uBlock Origin.

To start you just need to sign in to the OptinMonster account and get the Pro version for the AdBlock.

After login, you need to open WordPress straight away and enact the OptinMonster plugin.

2. Use deAdblocker:

This is the free choice that enables you to differentiate AdBlock user. To start with this, first, you need to install this plugin and operate. After installation, make a beeline for the setting. Change plugin settings on deAdblocker which will show a message to AdBlock users. You can show a warning bar on the top point on the site or demonstrate a lightbox popup.


Use deAdblocker


User can’t ignore these messages. You can now visit your site with AdBlock augmentation installed in your program to test the plugin.

3. Selling direct ads:

 Google AdSense is the outsider publisher which does the promotion of any event and if you are doing some promotion via Google AdSense then you have restricted control over the advertisement, privacy and many more.  Making promotion via publicist gives a guarantee of privacy and control over what you get paid.


Selling direct ads


For example, AdSanity is a WordPress advertisement management plugin which serves promotions.

4. Premium Content:


Premium Content


This technique is utilized by many online Productions. By this premium content, you can limit pages to paid users, you can adjust benefits for each view.  You can model like Pay per view, membership sites plan and restrict unpaid users.

5. Sponsored Content:


Sponsored Content


With this technique, you need to allow all the advertisers for sponsoring content on your website. Write content for their products and you can also include an affiliate link for commissions. You can also require users to pay to submit a post to your website.

6. Use AdSanity Plugin:

This is the promotion management plugin for WordPress and it has a paid “Promotion Block detection “that tells you how many users are using advertisement blocking Software.


wordpress adblock


First, you have to install the AdSanity Plugin, then install and activate AdBlock detection.

7. Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is one of the best amongst the most widely recognized method. As the name suggests you can prescribe the user about the items and if they buy it you can get the commission on it via the affiliation.

There are lots of plugins for affiliate advertisers that will help you use affiliation.


As a content creator, you have many ways to deal with Adblockers. The options given above will suit every approach the user wants to take.

We recommend you take the right approach before blocking your website totally for those users who are taking help of an AdBlock. You can either do nothing about it or can take the approach of asking nicely from your website users to whitelist your website in their adblocker.

You can also create an ad-free & a quality content paid membership of your website to the users for a better experience.

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